Important Things About Bernedoodles That You Should Know Before Buying

Bernedoodle can be the perfect pet dog for your home. They are cute hybrids. They are less likely to develop aggressive nature. The breed is easy to maintain, even when indoors. If you love dogs, then you will find Bernedoodles adorable breed. You can search for the best Bernedoodles puppies NC options online.


  • It would help if you always bought purebreds from a reputable seller
  • Check with the genetics of the parent breed for a health guarantee
  • You can also check with the health certificate of the puppies before buying


These are three important points to keep in mind. There are certain traits of the breed as well that you should be familiar with. Understanding these traits is important for you can raise the puppies well.


Bernedoodles will shed some fur hair.


Bernedoodles are not pure breeds. They are hybrids. So they may show traits of both parents. This also means that the puppies may develop different kinds of fur coats. In general, they may be non-shedding types but can also have a curly coat.


If the puppy has a straight coat, then he may shed very often. Some puppies may also develop a wavy coat that is much longer. The shedding nature of the puppies may depend on the coat type they develop. To avoid shedding, it is better to groom them very often.


Likely to develop stubborn nature


Bernedoodles are common breeds for any home. You can buy them from a reputable BernedoodlesSouth Carolina dealer. In any case, the puppies may show the traits of both parents. As the puppies are a combination of purebred parents, so in most cases, the traits are common.


The dog can be friendly and playful. At the same time, he may also develop a stubborn nature that is a common trait of the Bernese breed. As you are buying a hybrid pedigree, so you cannot expect a perfect nature all the time.


The traits and nature may also vary in puppies from the same parents. They can be sensitive and playful at the same time.


Maintain regular grooming sessions


In most cases, dogs that have a thick fur coat may always need excessive grooming sessions. Losing a fur coat is nothing new for dogs. If the fur coat is not well maintained, the dog will shed very often. You can still look around for low shedding puppies.


Grooming is the only most effective way to reduce the shedding of unwanted fur. Always spend time at least two or three times a week for grooming sessions. For quality puppies, you can search online at Double U Doodles


The grooming has to be consistently done over the first six to eight weeks. Some puppies may stop shedding once they are mature.


Select in any size


Bernedoodles are breeds that are available in many different sizes. An adult may also weigh around 50 kilograms. In general, the exact size of the breed is not predictable during the puppy stage. You can search for the Bernedoodles South Carolina option online.


A standard size Bernedoodle may reach around 23 inches on maturity and may weigh around twenty-five kilograms.


Health tests


Like any other crossbreed, Bernedoodles, too, may have a few health conditions. But in most cases, the breed may not face any health problems. They may also be less prey to inheriting diseases from the parent breeds.


But it is always safe to go with breeders who perform health tests regularly. Ensure that you only go with ethical breeders. They should provide you with a full health checkup certificate. The health certificate should include hip region evaluation, cardiac exam, and DNA test.


Test for hypoallergenic factor


Bernedoodles may not shed in most cases, but you may come across a few puppies that may even shed for few weeks. This is why it is best to check for an allergic reaction before you buy one. If you are allergic to dog fur, then you may have to rethink before buying.


You can consult an expert allergist regarding your condition and choice. This decision is important so you may not have to face an allergic reaction very often.


Breed Varieties


You will always come across Bernedoodles that are in many different varieties. You may find an F1 type of hybrid. These are mainly the first generation crossbreed types. They are also the healthiest breed. Then you have the selection to buy the F1b type that is of second-generation crossbreed type.


If you are allergic to puppy fur, then the F1b type is the best option for you. They are manly non-shedding types. F2 type will develop a more improper fur coat. The coat is the fleecy type and curly. You can search for Bernedoodles puppies NC options and get familiar with the best breed.


No matter what variety or hybrid you select, Bernedoodles are always more active and playful by nature. They can be your best companion and playmate. They like to stay most of the time outdoors but can easily get accustomed to the apartment lifestyle.


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